Katrin Peters

Katrin Peters

Senior Manager, German Public Auditor, Certified Tax Advisor


+49 211 17170-461

In 2014 Katrin Peters began her career at a Big Four firm in Cologne. In 2018 she was licensed as a certified tax advisor, and she switched to Nexia GmbH in Düsseldorf. 

Meanwhile Ms. Peters has gained over 10 years of experience in providing audit and assurance services as well as in acquiring accounting knowledge and practice. 

In the course of her career she has audited financial statements and consolidated financial statements for various medium-sized and large companies, corporate groups as well publicly listed companies in accordance with the requirements of the German Commercial Code, IFRS and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.

Since the beginning of 2024, Ms. Peters has been acting as a Sustainability Auditor recognised by the Institute of Public Auditors (IDW) and has been auditing sustainability reports alongside her audit and consulting services.