• Tax Consulting

    Advising Wealthy Private Persons
    and Family Offices

Wealthy private persons and families need sound financial advice and in this connection often require tax professionals.

Protect assets

Efficient tax planning plays a vital role when your primary aim is to protect your private assets. Our advisors have sound experience in working with wealthy private persons and families (family offices), companies, managing directors and owners of extensive real estate holdings.

Managing assets

It can be time consuming and demanding to manage assets efficiently. It is particularly important that tax and financial matters are managed professionally. Efficiently managing one‘s own tax matters along with the requirement of being up to date with the most current tax regulations can be a big challenge, particularly if you have or your family office has assets in several foreign countries and you have to deal with different legal systems. We offer effective planning and sound advice in order to assist you in achieving your goals and in avoiding any negative effects on your private wealth.

Ensure mobility

Globalisation and digitalisation not only impact your assets but also your various homes. Should you have been subject to unlimited taxation in Germany for several years, the matter of exit taxation is of special importance. It is necessary to do long-term planning. We are glad to advise you on an optimal solution for you and your private assets.

Contact persons

Do you have any questions or do you need support?

Please contact our specialists. Our colleagues are glad to help you with any questions that may arise.

You will find a complete overview of our contact persons on the our team page of our website.

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