• Tax Consulting

    Air Traffic Tax

We advise you in all areas of air traffic tax, and as your tax advisor, we are the first point of contact with the responsible main customs office.

Personal consulting

In the area of air traffic tax we have gained many years of experience through representing numerous well-known foreign airlines. Owing to our being located near the Frankfurt international airport, we are in a position to offer your company personal service.

Air Traffic Tax Act

Our proven experts can support you in complying with all of the legal requirements of the Air Traffic Tax Act, and we can support you in all ongoing issues as well as any special issues that may arise.

Our services in the area of air traffic tax and the Air Traffic Tax Act include, among others:
  • Assisting you in determining the figures to be reported
  • Electronically transmitting the ongoing air traffic tax reportings
  • Being a point of contact for the responsible main customs office for all issues that may arise
  • Being the point of contact for the German Federal Aviation Authority
  • Supporting you during tax audits

Contact person

Do you have any questions or do you need support?

Please contact our specialist.

You will find a complete overview of our contact persons on the our team page of our website.

Hartmut-Wolfgang Strecka

Partner, Certified Tax Advisor, Lawyer, lic. oec HSG, LL.M.


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