• Audit

    Audit & Assurance

It is our philosophy that auditing is more than just fulfilling legal requirements. On the contrary, audit results form a reliable basis for managing your company. In our audit approach we highly value communicating with you clearly and openly.

Our audit experts combine their professional knowledge with their many years of experience in working in various industries and offer you so much more than just professional audit and consulting services properly performed. With us you always receive individualised audit and consulting services as required given the situation of your company and thus genuinely providing more value. 

Our auditors offer the following services in the area of Audit & Assurance:

We audit separate, consolidated and interim financial statements in accordance with the German Commercial Code (HGB) and with IFRS. The starting point of our audit service is the individual business model of our client.

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Our experts in the audit area not only combine their professional knowledge of financial statement audits but also of a high number of other legally required audits for specific industries or for particular events.

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Our auditors prepare the required financial information arising from statutory requirements or from agreements under private law.

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With Nexia at your side, you create the trust you need with your business partners by presenting them with an audit report of selected financial information.

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Performing procedures agreed upon creates trust in a company internally and externally.

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