• Audit & Assurance

    Special audit services or
    special industry-specific audits

Along with the financial statement audits, there are a high number of other legally required audits for specific industries or events. In order to do justice to the interests of shareholders and credit institutions, a need has arisen for independent assessments by performing special voluntary (industry-specific) audits or special audit services. Our certified auditors are glad to be at your side and assist you with their experience and know-how.

Our audit and assurance services and our special industry-specific audits include among others the following:
  • Audits in accordance with German Brokers and Property Developers Ordinance (MaBV)
  • Audits in accordance with German Budgetary Principles Act (HGrG)
  • Audits in accordance with the German Packaging Ordinance
  • Audit of the proper payment of charges to a dual system (DSD) 
  • Audits of applications for subsidies or financial assistance in accordance with the Renewable Energies Sources Act (EEG) or Combined Heat and Power Generation Act (KWKG) 
  • Assessments of investment expenses recognised in accordance with the North Rhine-Westphalia Elderly and Nursing Care Act
  • Audits of special types of companies
    • Credit institutions and financial service provider institutions (KWG, WPHG)
    • Financial investment brokers (§ 24 FinVermV)
    • Insurance companies
    • Pension funds
    • Audits of certain traders

Contact persons

Do you have any questions or do you need support?

Please contact our specialists. Our colleagues are glad to help you with any questions that may arise.

You will find a complete overview of our contact persons on the our team page of our website.

Offer requests

Are you interested in our services?
Please fill in this form and we shall contact you.

If needed, documents with detailed information can be uploaded.
Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

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Please describe your proposal request as specifically as possible so that the appropriate contact person can get in touch with you.

Here you have the option of uploading files relating to your proposal request. Accepted formats are Microsoft Office documents and PDF files. Please do not upload more than 10 MB.