• Audit

    US Assurance Services

With our US Audit services we can look back at a long tradition: Having gained many years of experience in advising German and American clients, we together with our colleagues in the US are optimally prepared with regard to the mutual particularities in the areas of reporting standards, compliance requirements or generally in the area of assurance services. The market position of Nexia in the USA guarantees optimal consulting. We support both American companies wanting to gain a foothold in the German market as well as German companies wanting to enter the American market. Our expats in the USA and in Germany take care of maintaining  close personal connections so that we can rapidly respond to any requests.

Our services in the area of US Assurance Services are, among others:
  • Selecting the right legal form and the right location for your business
  • Supporting the founding of a company including the required reportings to the proper authorities
  • Outsourcing services (accounting, reporting, preparing financial statements in accordance with US GAAP and reconciling US GAAP financials statements with IFRS or German GAAP, payroll accounting, tax returns, etc.)
  • Tax planning including VAT and customs
  • Transfer pricing
  • Transaction consulting for M&A projects

Contact persons

Do you have any questions or do you need support?

Please contact our specialists. Our colleagues are glad to help you with any questions that may arise.

You will find a complete overview of our contact persons on the our team page of our website.

Offer requests

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Please fill in this form and we shall contact you.

If needed, documents with detailed information can be uploaded.
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Please describe your proposal request as specifically as possible so that the appropriate contact person can get in touch with you.

Here you have the option of uploading files relating to your proposal request. Accepted formats are Microsoft Office documents and PDF files. Please do not upload more than 10 MB.