• Tax Consulting

    Value Added Tax

Value added tax law is complex and the increasing amendments to the law are making it ever more complex and incomprehensible. The constant stream of court rulings and court decisions, of changes to reporting requirements and formalities as well as of an increased liability makes it more difficult for companies to comply with the legal regulations and duties of reporting value added tax.

EU Legal Requirements

Especially in the area of value added tax, the observance of EU legal requirements such as the 2020 quick fixes or the 2021 E-commerce package have become broader in scope. Despite the EU attempting to harmonise value added tax law by issuing guidelines for a value added tax system, member states are always concentrating on their differences. Companies face major challenges when transporting goods or services across borders or accounting for a chain of transactions allocating goods transported and services rendered by applying the triangular transaction or consignment warehouse regulations. In addition, the court decisions of the European Court of Justice influence local court rulings or those of the state Fiscal Courts and of the Federal Fiscal Court.

Mitigating areas of risk in value added tax law

Competent consulting performed by our experts mitigates financial risks and the administrative burden a company has. The in-depth knowledge of various industries that our experts have means that you will receive sound support in assessing and responding to VAT issues. Thus you can be certain to gain the best possible economic value.

Here is an overview of our value added tax services:
  • Optimising VAT-related supply and service relationships
  • Performing reviews of contracts and consulting on how to design contracts and agreements
  • Preparing VAT returns and reportings (preliminary VAT reportings, VAT tax returns, summary reportings and Intrastat reportings)
  • Supporting you during government tax and field audits and special VAT audits

Contact persons

Do you have any questions or do you need support?

Please contact our specialists. Our colleagues are glad to help you with any questions that may arise.

You will find a complete overview of our contact persons on the our team page of our website.

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