• Audit

    Accounting & Reporting Advisory

Auditing is more for us than simply performing statutory and professional tasks. Our strengths are complex consulting engagements, such as converting to international accounting standards or auditing consolidated and separate financial statements of international corporate groups or reliably evaluating reportings in the area of accounting. We thereby apply a risk-based audit approach in compliance with domestic (IDW) and international (ISA) audit standards to the specific circumstances of your company. By applying uniform standards, we can closely coordinate our consulting services with accounting firms in other countries.

Our audit teams are geared to the requirements of each of our clients. They comprise public auditors and experienced staff with expertise relevant to the industry, in which the client operates. Being able to maintain continuity with the persons serving our clients is a matter dear to our hearts because auditing has always been and remains a people business.

Our services in the areas of Accounting and Reporting Advisory are:

The conversion of accounting to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is a comprehensive challenge with far-reaching effects on reporting, the advantages and disadvantages of which must be carefully weighed up. With the expertise of our German Public auditors, you can always rely on our extensive specialist knowledge and many years of experience.

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Our interdisciplinary teams have gained both extensive experience and sound knowledge of various industries, and they use the newest technologies.

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Our experts in the area of IPO Services have gained not only extensive experience in supporting stock market candidates but also in advising credit institutions and private equity firms.

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Our experts support you with their many years of experience in the area of enforcement so that you will be able to master all challenges.

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