• Cyber Security

    Reactive cyber security,
    incident response and
    crisis management

Only expertise in times of crisis

Countless times each day the “worst case” scenario for any company occurs in Germany: A cyber-attack from the outside. Whether partially successful or partly conditionally successful, a need to react and to respond arises immediately.

Precisely at such moments of crisis of an unknown danger and partially to an unknown extent of the attack, it is important to act fast, accurately and holistically. Our Nexia experts are the trusted advisors for you during these times of crisis.Together and in consultation with you, Nexia's experts take care of crisis management, crisis communication, coordination with authorities, insurance companies, affected parties and any various service providers, including the tracking of ransom payments in real time on the blockchain. In working hand-in-hand with the crisis management team, an incidence response can take place at the same time, i.e. securing the systems affected and performing a forensic analysis, backing up data as well as issuing a forensic expert opinion based on the forensic analysis describing the attack and the attackers’ actions.

Along with crisis management and the response to the incident, the IT landscape must be secured in order to prevent any further attacks and if necessary to prevent a loss of data and information.

Together with affected companies, our Nexia experts also support you in areas such as determining the damage caused by a business interruption, mediation and communication with cyber insurance companies, reporting to data protection authorities, communication and interaction with state and federal criminal investigation offices and other authorities.

In the aftermath of a cyber attack, many companies often feel a great deal of uncertainty and anxiety about the loss of data and the risk of a new attack. This is not where the work of our Nexia experts ends: our colleagues will help you to restart and rebuild your IT infrastructure and IT landscape comprehensively and in full compliance with regulatory and industry-specific requirements until your IT environment is back to "normal" operation.

Our Nexia experts are at your side from the first hour of the crisis right through to the handover of the IT landscape to normal operation. The entire coordination and management of the crisis comes from one experienced source in order to protect both you as a company and your company's employees, comply with legal requirements and meet all necessary regulatory tasks and challenges.

Contact persons

Do you have any questions or do you need support?

Please contact our specialists. Our colleagues are glad to help you with any questions that may arise.

You will find a complete overview of our contact persons on the our team page of our website.

Georg Frank Witte

Senior Manager, Business Consultant


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